A Visit to Rockabill Lighthouse Skerries Co. Dublin

December 19, 2019

A Visit to Rockabill Lighthouse Skerries Co. Dublin - Nua Photography

Rockabill Lighthouse is situated off the north Dublin coastline, visible on the horizon from Balbriggan Skerries Loughshinny and Rush. Locals have a real bond with the rocks, though its admired from mostly from afar,  It is a local Landmark for the people of Dublin and the North County Dublin community.

Built in the mid 1850’s from Granite quarried from the Mourne Mountains in Co Down and limestone locally in Milverton. The six kilometre journey out to the Rock must have been perilous back then. Taking five years to complete the Lighthouse has undoubtedly made our sea safer for the fishing and the maritime community.

We arrived to a glorious evening of billowing cloud and sunshine. The terns were full of acrobatic antics, diving at top speed to fish for their supper. Every summer Rockabill is home to the Roseate Tern, and is one of only two colonies in Ireland. and the most important in Europe, with up to 1200 pairs on the rocks.

North County Dublin has a number of Islands and Nua photographers are regularly asked for Printed photographs of the islands around Fingal Dublin. We are slowly curating a collection of Photographs of the Islands of North Dublin.

We are happy to add a gallery of Rockabill Lighthouse images to our website  You can visit the online gallery here  

Check out our drone footage of Rockabill Lighthouse Here

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